Wednesday, June 23, 2010

They should be paying ME!

Kitchen Sink. Toilet. Bathroom Sink. Tub.

Just a few things that have required frequent, no, constant maintenance here. Tonight the oven wouldn't stop clicking as the pilot light relit again and again and again for an hour. It was fine, just really unecessary, really unfixable as far as we can tell, and really annoying. Then, when attempting to do dishes (which we have to do by hand here to begin with), the water, rather than draining, came up the other side of the sink, bringing with it what looked and smelled like vomit. Lovely. I mean I get that these apartments and their plumbing are 50 years old, (I wish I didn't know that our Bishop's wife was brought home from the hospital to these apartments), but is it really fair that we're paying the same as folks that live in newer, nicer, refurbished North Wymount? I submit that it is NOT!

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