Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stress. Could this title GET less original?

You can pretty much get what I'm trying to express just by reading the title of this post, nevertheless, I'll provide you with more details. In case you didn't figure it out, I'm stressed. Earth-shattering, I know. I mean, who gets stressed anymore?! Psh. All joking aside, it's not life-shatteringly out of control or overwhelming stress, just enough to make me frustrated that I can never accomplish half of what's on my daily to-do list. Like many Americans, I get up, go to work for eight hours at a fairly stressful job, (and I actually work through lunch,) constantly pushing myself to be the best I can be because 1. I love it and I want to succeed and 2. I have to provide for my family, (yes, I'm currently the sugar mama), then come home mentally spent and too tired to want to do anything else all night. Sound familiar? Why do we work ourselves to death? To the point of not caring that our home is dirty, or not caring that we're too tired to work out, even though we've been sitting all day. In a perfect world, I would work part-time to stay productive and feel fulfilled, then come home to be active, spent time with my love, and do all my domestic things. Sounds good to me.

Sooooooo, this brings me to my diet update. To sum it up, it's slow coming, which isn't looking good for my 6-week goal. In 2 weeks I've lost maybe 2 lbs. I only guessing since I haven't actually stepped on a scale, but I do know that my clothes are starting to fit better. Despite what it sounds like, I have been trying. I've been working out more often, eating less, trying not to eat near bedtime, I'm avoiding practically all refined sugar (fruit, milk, and other natural sugar don't count), and occasionally even doing cardio when I'm very tired and dying to go to bed. I'm grateful to be seeing (well, mostly feeling) an improvement, and I know that in the long run, small changes and baby steps lead to longer results and more permanent change. It's just frustrating, because results are what keep you motivated to keep going. I doubt I'll be anything close to looking like Isla Fisher by the beach, but I can feel good knowing that I'm trying.

On a more positive note, I've heard this song on the radio a lot lately and I'm a little crazy about it. Maybe you are too?

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