Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Home-Body & Halloween Stuff

So this week began my "Maternity Leave" or my first few days transitioning to work outside the office. I plan to continue working from home until my due date and then pick it back up at least part time once the baby comes. It's amazing that it has worked out in such a way that I can work from home. I am extremely grateful for my co-workers, modern technology, and God's hand for this.

It feels good to be needed, but it does make me feel guilty for leaving. I know that's silly, I'm pregnant, like due in a week and half pregnant, but it's hard to shake that lazy feeling since full-time work has been my life for the last almost two years.

All this being said, I'm so grateful that my to-do list is basically a to-done list, and aside from work, my days consist of keeping the house VERY clean, actually making homemade dinners again, getting some walking in, some reading in, and working on some fun crafty stuff that I never seemed to have the time for until now. It's pretty nice, I'm not going to lie. Some projects I'm working on:

- Alexis' Halloween costume. More on that this week. Just you wait....
- Finding a Lumina pumpkin to paint (or just a regular pumpkin painted white). I'm digging the spiderweb pumpkin that looks like it could be done with a permanent marker.
 - Making one of these. Looks pretty easy and I'm game for any simple Halloween decor.
 - Hanging rope spiderweb on the back deck.

The biggest thing on the agenda: being patient. I'm now officially full-term by whichever due date you go by. I've been in sort of a false labor for over a week now and have progressed a lot as of my last appointment. The same will probably be true this week. I just wonder how long this can go on before the real thing hits.

et viola - 38.5 weeks. Could I get any bigger? (Please don't answer that)



  1. Oh my word! I remember those last weeks so clearly now that I just read your post. I remember driving to Babies R Us trying to find the perfect stroller and carseat and last minute things...getting my bag ready...taking lots of naps during the day and not feeling the least bit guilty...soak it up girl :) Your life is about to CHANGE!!! (in an amaaaaaazing way!!!!!)

  2. I swear you are just hiding one of Sam's basketballs under your shirt. I can't that you are almost there. Good luck being patient.

  3. Ah, I remember all too well.. as this was me just a few weeks ago! Hang in there and SLEEP as much as you can.. you'll need that stored up energy once your little one is here :)
